vfxdad: TableDawn_20240416b
vfxdad: business time
vfxdad: huddle by the arch
vfxdad: parenting, in a nutshell
vfxdad: color match success
vfxdad: IMG_1083
vfxdad: Washed out, with rainbow.
vfxdad: Pause
vfxdad: underexposure
vfxdad: "kubricking" the oculus
vfxdad: Crosstown hustle
vfxdad: they met in the park
vfxdad: new york kid
vfxdad: little girl and octopus
vfxdad: tree trimming
vfxdad: Takeoff
vfxdad: SAM_100_0159
vfxdad: breathe - hare krishna tree
vfxdad: still hanging out
vfxdad: 20160924DSCF0998.mp4
vfxdad: 20160924DSCF0996.mp4
vfxdad: 20160924DSCF0995.mp4
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1141.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1135.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1129.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1122.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1084.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1078.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1047.jpg
vfxdad: 20160924_DSF1045.jpg