Millie Robertson: 50|52: red
Millie Robertson: 49|52: peripheral
Millie Robertson: the weight of ambivalence/ 45|52
Millie Robertson: "the lovers disappeared into the woods"/ 43|52
Millie Robertson: Rome/ 42|52
Millie Robertson: "he is the lamb, she is the slaughter"/41|52
Millie Robertson: look like th'inocent flower but be the serpent under't/ 40|52
Millie Robertson: 39|52: gradual
Millie Robertson: 37|52: you are what you eat
Millie Robertson: 35|52: wildest dreams
Millie Robertson: 33|52: corrupt
Millie Robertson: 31|52: nonchalant
Millie Robertson: 29|52: absence
Millie Robertson: 21|52: harmony