FreshySnapper: IMPEACH
Sparkle Dazey: Poor Boy, Guams, Obanoe, Rat King, Humen
Sparkle Dazey: "My Precious"
Sparkle Dazey: waitin in dumsmuir
Sparkle Dazey: John Easley explains sativa and indica, as if I hadn't already known.
Sparkle Dazey: Glad to be out of the fire smoke covering 6 states
Sparkle Dazey: Cheers to the engineer who honked and scared everyone at this flea market
Sparkle Dazey: Hippie motha fucka
Sparkle Dazey: It id wut you bring it
Dusty Old Dust: Derailed train cars - Chihuahua Mexico
Dusty Old Dust: Found the Unicorns I've been looking for
Sparkle Dazey: Clamoooooooo
Sparkle Dazey: Fish on, Chachi
Sparkle Dazey: Bad Boys II Men
Sparkle Dazey: tetanus
Sparkle Dazey: _20151123_145044
Sparkle Dazey: Sunrise Ceremony
beau patrick coulon: the power remains
beau patrick coulon: daily meditation
beau patrick coulon: last day of summer
beau patrick coulon: SHORT LEASH
beau patrick coulon: marginal transience
beau patrick coulon: waiting on the martinez sub
beau patrick coulon: claiborne avenue
beau patrick coulon: fuck this place