Yu-Hang Kuo: IRAS 18059-3211
Andysea1: Soul Nebula detail
Andysea1: sh2-205
Andysea1: NGC 7380
Andysea1: Barnard 13
Yu-Hang Kuo: 040 - NGC 2070
Yu-Hang Kuo: 107 - NGC 6514 (M20)
Andysea1: M64 with IFN
fabrizio farina: Pillars of creation
Andysea1: M51 wide field
Yu-Hang Kuo: 2019-05-10 Waxing Crescent Moon
Andysea1: IC405 and SH2-240
Andysea1: IC 434
ramviswanathan: The Great Hercules Cluster
ramviswanathan: The M5 Globular Cluster
ajynrynn: Messier 16 - The Eagle Nebula and the Pillars of Creation #Explored