daleteague17: Pylons - Hartlebury
daleteague17: Pylons - Hillditch Pool
daleteague17: Pylons - Hillditch Pool
daleteague17: Pylons - Hartlebury
royblumenthal: Letratone LT304 20 percent
Katie Griesar: IMG_5316
Katie Griesar: IMG_5332
Can Dagarslani: Sophie Bogdan
Herb Lubalin Study Center: "Art Deco" Type Specimen
Winkelhaken: Bye bye Berthold ads
mautJones: veronica - univers
boxchain: compugraphic compuwriter display
Florian Hardwig: Times modern swash
Stewf: Caslon Swash (Arriola)
Stewf: Yagi Universal No. 2 and Yagi Link Double
Nick Sherman: A Sampler of the Herb Lubalin & Tom Carnase Typefaces
Nick Sherman: A Sampler of the Herb Lubalin & Tom Carnase Typefaces
Nick Sherman: A Sampler of the Herb Lubalin & Tom Carnase Typefaces
Stewf: The many faces of Churchward Design 70
Stewf: Filmsense by Seymour Chwast?
Stewf: Embrionic 85 by Gary Gillot, 1972
Stewf: Sequel, TypeSpectra, 1979
Stewf: Sequel, TypeSpectra, 1979
Covers etc: The New Sonia Wayward - Penguin book cover