bibes: Waiting for the bus
bibes: 601 W. 26th Street
bibes: Headed home
bibes: Saturday morning coffee
bibes: Along my run
bibes: Remembering
bibes: Monarch Pair
bibes: Afternoon Sunning
bibes: A walk in the Sculpture Garden
bibes: Desk
bibes: Tomatos
bibes: Prophecy of the Ancients
bibes: Hamilton's Washington Apples
bibes: Summer evening
bibes: Lake Harriet Bandshell
bibes: Lake Harriet
bibes: At gloaming
bibes: The Midway
bibes: Flowering Almond Bush
bibes: Flowering Almond Bush
bibes: Bouquet of Smiles
bibes: Yellow
bibes: Hope
bibes: Bored Blackjack
bibes: Blackjack
bibes: Parmesan and friends
bibes: Ethan
bibes: E.Kate and Jill
bibes: Extreme Headtilt