Tas1927: A is for Alien (032/365)
Darth Electra: They are the hunters, we are the foxes
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: A is for aquatic aqua
TFDesigns!: Welcome to Planet Frost
Andy Ziegler: 'A' is for Amethyst
Roger's quadrant kaleidoscopes: A is for Antenna Quadrant Kaleidoscope
ruthlesscrab: A is for Allen’s
vanhookc: A is for additive-free
Roel Wijnants: Kleurig Steigermateriaal
Jim Frazier: Almost a Violation of Rule 37
MayorPaprika: Super Van - Bijou Planks 32/365
redrickshaw: Hello - haven’t seen you for ages! Missed you x
Fallowsite: La rage de lire.
S. B. L.: Alligatorland Safari Zoo
Mayra's Dolls: Blythe a Day February 01 - "Dark Chocolate / Playtime"
zilverbat.: "Stilte Tussen Koffiekopjes"
Rashmiel: Gorjuss
Rashmiel: Barbie Venetian Opulence
Mieke Berkelaar2009: Grand Dessert - Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Mieke Berkelaar2009: Oude Kerk - Delft
Hans Veuger: Curious Chicks
Frank Hendriks Photography: Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.
aenee: Abstract art is not the creation of another reality but the true vision of reality.
Werner Schnell, Siegen: Rätsel der Geschichte: Wie groß war die größte Kaugummiblase, die David gemacht hat?
Pieter Musterd: De Horsten
Marked_man: Stop Makin' All That Noise 32/365
Rocks68: Pouppé Florent, Gama. France
The Brickdwarf: Bear Wolf and his wolf
murilo galvão: parapluies(ii)