Marser: Memories of the sanctuary #7 (Kyoto)
Dick Thomas Johnson: Kagoshima City Train
yuki_alm_misa: オナガ
m-louis: H邸
kasa51: yellow flowers
photorestart201903: colors in the water
Active-U: REC vol.155 - November 2020 / 南禅寺天授庵書院南庭
koji1106: DSC05044
yumem: fall foliage in Garden of Wakayama Castle op.5
m-louis: 整ハウス
Rambalac: 20181008_080055
sqm: IMGP0535
lioil: Tokyo Station
Marser: memories of the sanctuary #6 (Kyoto)
Marser: thrivers on islands #148 (Ogi Island, Kagawa)
Active-U: 西村家住宅 - 上賀茂神社 社家 / Kamogamo-jinjya Shrine
Noelas: NZ6_4087
tanayan: tokyo8778
Noelas: 20191114-DSC06416-1424DN
Noelas: 20191114-DSC06466-1424DN
Noelas: 20191114-DSC06475-1424DN
Active-U: 毘沙門堂 / Bishamon-do Temple