fotodave22: DSP01960 - Snow Bunting ♂ (Plectrophenax nivalis)
Earl Reinink: On the look-out
markmolloy1967: Golden Eagle(wild)
wernkro: 8Z1A3614_5_6_7_8-1
Andrew Wilson 70: 013_8182b
denismichaluszko: Pic épeiche / Great Spotted Woodpecker
ej foto: Into the sun
trevorwilson1607: Putting the "Ooooooo!" in Cuckoo....
Michel2Montfort: Aquitaine-Audenge-The Milky Way Above
Guillaume Dardant: Grosbec casse-noyaux
Florin Galan: WORK & SUNRISE
Forest - 15M Views ...: Plain Tiger on Tridax Daisy - Backyard
Forest - 15M Views ...: Kashmir Rock Agama - Male - Wesetern Himalayas ~2300m Altitude
Zino2009 (bob van den berg): Deventer sur Mêr
billynewmanphoto: From my first trip to the Wallowa mountains in 2005.
mto_akkermans: D200(10MpCCD) 40% CROP / 500mm f6,3 / ISO 900
Ray Seagrove: Green Throated Carib (Eulampis holosericeus)
Jan H. Boer, Nature photographer: Dusky-capped flycatcher
Jan H. Boer, Nature photographer: Steely-vented hummingbird
richard_morel: Chardonneret jaune / American Goldfinch
Forest - 15M Views ...: Purple Swamphen - courtship display
Pentalopes: Amstel Canal with Munttoren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Arjan Beeftink: Kurobe area, Japan