Bhupesh Ra!: He used the last bottle of beer for this summer, Its so hot outside as it was inside him. Tangier had nothing but illusions for him Like how a cigarette burns and ends soon. Ice on that bottle of the beer melted fast And warns him to get it done, He
Bhupesh Ra!: Bada Imambara (Lucknow)
Bhupesh Ra!: The butterfly effect
Bhupesh Ra!: The Nimble feet
Bhupesh Ra!: A different angle
Bhupesh Ra!: Homemade chocolates
Bhupesh Ra!: The light at the end of the tunnel
Bhupesh Ra!: Bundle of sunsine
Bhupesh Ra!: Purple with some yellow
Bhupesh Ra!: Colorful Streak
Bhupesh Ra!: Yellow Mellow
Bhupesh Ra!: Peace :)
Bhupesh Ra!: Mumbai Skyline: See the orignal size full pic by downloading it
Bhupesh Ra!: Colors of the season
Bhupesh Ra!: Solace
Bhupesh Ra!: Colorful Heart
Bhupesh Ra!: Let me see the world
Bhupesh Ra!: The heart Tree
Bhupesh Ra!: With the rain drops
Bhupesh Ra!: The bunch
Bhupesh Ra!: Togetherness
Bhupesh Ra!: Standing Alone
Bhupesh Ra!: Udaipur Palace
Bhupesh Ra!: Serenity
Bhupesh Ra!: The Purple Beauty
Bhupesh Ra!: Yellow mellow
Bhupesh Ra!: Water Drop
Bhupesh Ra!: Yellow
Bhupesh Ra!: Purple