Yureiko: Beware of the Easterbunny...
oschene: South to the Bridge, Malmö
Prof. YM: Dodecahedron Paradigma
She.was: Lyon - Animation "Truck de ouf", juillet 2013
firstfold creative origami: Hockey Stick and puck - 1 rectangles
En Why See: Facebook Cover Photo
oschene: Still Life with Onions
oschene: Crossed Box Pleat Box Variation
oschene: Poincaré Meets Fresnel
Origami Kawakami: Lockheed F117 Nighthawk
Origami Kawakami: Lockheed SR17 Blackbird
Yureiko: Hippo (Wanna Dance?)
d-cecil: Fractal-Three Generations & Reflected
Mélisande*: The cloud
oschene: Three Cylinder Modular Kirigami Globe
firstfold creative origami: Santee's Swivel #3
oschene: Heptagonal Flower Bowl
Peter 'Hobbit' Wilkinson: Jumping off the top of Horror arete.
georigami: Alexander Oliveros' Stair Boxes
d-cecil: Birdfeeder, Surform Style
Praise Pratajev: fabian correa's square corrugation
oschene: Reuleaux Triangle Tato
phunnyfotos: Walk This Way
Yureiko: "Töröööh" or Tessellated Elephant Head
OrigamiVore: Village Vertical 1.3
d-cecil: Salvador Dali Style Building
georigami: Lewis Simon's Star #2 (Shadow)