dprezat: Jef Aerosol & Shepard Fairey
Eddie C3: Passy to Bir-Hakeim
Yuri Rapoport: Florence
Guy Baylacq: balançoires du Luxembourg, Paris
maljoe: 365/359 [251210] - Rollercoaster
catherinecordoni: Place Saint Michel, Paris
Ann/k: Marine
Austinbad: Current mood
Tchitcho's: Décidément, Paris m'automnera toujours.
sdupimages: Breathing In Fumes
roman.sroda: Corfu, Greece
Jassy-50: photo - Praia Vermelha, Rio
ksharp2: "Shes a Sunflower"
MRL 390: About to crest
Nick Brown Photography: Good Friday Magic
damar47: Work, always work
poffuomo: Winter in Bologna
eyeofthebeholder5: Paris fluviale
Bosc d'Anjou: Home theatre before VHS
occhio.privato: Bologna, Italy
pierrepphotography: Paris - Reflection on the bridge
Placeslust: 1st day of Autumn
clodio61: Bologna, historic building
Kartlyn Earth & ArtKN: Santuario di Madonna di San Luca - Italy 🇮🇹
MiniMarcel: Non à l'excision
MiniMarcel: ... qui fait déborder le vase !
lunaryuna: a lone tree's longing for the sea