D P Murphy: Black-chinned Hummingbird
D P Murphy: Blue Jay
D P Murphy: Swamp Sparrow
D P Murphy: Tamaulipas Crow
D P Murphy: Yellow-billed Loon
D P Murphy: Great and Snowy Egrets
D P Murphy: Purple Martin - male
D P Murphy: Western Screech Owl
D P Murphy: Bushtit (male)
D P Murphy: Long-eared Owl
singhliam777: Snow Buntings - Cattle Point, Victoria BC
kim garwood: Arzecla calatia PE ARCC KG 20SEP19 2597c
D P Murphy: 'I'iwi
D P Murphy: Pine Grosbeak (female)
D P Murphy: Bobolink (male)
steinerattila: blue-naped chlorophonia
steinerattila: blue-throated starfrontlet
steinerattila: Taiwan Rosefinch
steinerattila: Collared Finchbill
DaylilyFan: Lichens at Red Canyon Overlook
scelorchilus: Bee Hummingbird2
D P Murphy: Hammond's Flycatcher
D P Murphy: Prairie Falcon with prey
D P Murphy: Western Gull
Gogolac: Crá-Crá, Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
D P Murphy: White-crowned Sparrow
Marc's Photos for Friends: Ruddy-headed Goose (Chloephaga rubidiceps), Carcass Island - Falklands, January 21, 2018.jpg
D P Murphy: Northern Wheatear male
Marc's Photos for Friends: Prion Island - South Georgia, January 25, 2018_-8
D P Murphy: Worm-Eating Warbler