Chook with the looks:
Sperm Whale
Chook with the looks:
Watchin whales
Chook with the looks:
Sperm Whale
Chook with the looks:
Pine valley stream
Chook with the looks:
Pacific Ocean at nite
Chook with the looks:
Duskey dolphin [ Lagenorhynchus obscurs
Chook with the looks:
Halls refrigerated transport
Chook with the looks:
Chook with the looks:
Wine tanker
Chook with the looks:
Chook with the looks:
Kea [Nestor notabilis]
Chook with the looks:
tail-end sunset
Chook with the looks:
Chook with the looks:
Steam train
Chook with the looks:
JA 1240
Chook with the looks:
fishing boat
Chook with the looks:
scow echo
Chook with the looks:
wine tanker
Chook with the looks:
Pine valley waterfall
Chook with the looks:
Chook with the looks:
Bush Robin [ Petroica australis]
Chook with the looks:
Pine valley track
Chook with the looks:
Pine valley fungi
Chook with the looks:
Honey mushroom
Chook with the looks:
Hygrocybe luteoglutinosa
Chook with the looks:
Voilet pouch fungi,
Chook with the looks:
Branch fungi
Chook with the looks:
The New Zealand Pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)
Chook with the looks:
Amongst the moss