anewdawnanewday: blue speckled teapot
Ines Seidel: mask, speaking
pennsylvaniamuscleinstitute: The Actin Ladies
Ines Seidel: Sammlung - Collection (detail)
Ines Seidel: Rosen mit Zeitmarkierungen - roses with time marks
Ines Seidel: Die Geschichte kennt keinen Stillstand (Detail)
Ines Seidel: shape of a story
Ines Seidel: shape of a story
Ines Seidel: Geschichtenspeicher- story carrier
Ines Seidel: story in state of rest (work in progress)
Ines Seidel: dark and empty - shape of a story seen from below
Ines Seidel: four shapes of stories
Ines Seidel: view into exhibition
Ines Seidel: teabag hymn book
Ines Seidel: memento
Ines Seidel: work in progress
Ines Seidel: view into the exhibition
Ines Seidel: home (detail)
Ines Seidel: old stories rolled aside
Ines Seidel: beginning of a poem
Ines Seidel: work in progress
Ines Seidel: artists' market - Künstlermarkt
Ines Seidel: content of a story
Ines Seidel: news, new shapes