bethgo: P1050233
bethgo: The talented Terry Huddleston
bethgo: The talented Terry Huddleston
bethgo: Julie Roehling - see other sides in previous picture
bethgo: Lego+ Jewelry = cute explosion
bethgo: Thank you Roberto for my iCEO!
bethgo: I guess I need to start watching the show.
bethgo: Local talent: Devout Dolls
bethgo: Stumpytown!
bethgo: Issue 1 from the verty talented Connie Schultz and Sara Duffield
bethgo: Commision of Willie the Wonder Cav by Bill Robinson
bethgo: From the wonderful Katie Cook. Mini Chewie is so squeee!
bethgo: Imps and Monsters Prints
bethgo: ECCC Exclusive Peanuts and Fiona & Cake #1
bethgo: My taste in comics runs far and wide.
bethgo: Devastators #1-6
bethgo: I <3 Suzanne Kaufman
bethgo: Chewie by Christopher Uminga. Art by Suzanne Kaufman on left.
bethgo: Bear Print from Alaska Robotics. Robot Rabbit by Wade Schin
bethgo: Collection of new art. I need more wall space :/
bethgo: Official ECCC Swag.
bethgo: Kill Shakespeare - A must read.
bethgo: Shirts from We Love Fine
bethgo: P1040965
bethgo: P1040964
bethgo: P1040963
bethgo: P1040962
bethgo: P1040961
bethgo: P1040960
bethgo: P1040959