BertvB: mushroom beauty (on explore)
BertvB: Autumn at its best; lot of mushrooms
BertvB: straight coral mushroom
BertvB: Large parasol fungus
BertvB: mushrooms wedged between tree trunks
BertvB: rust spot fungus
BertvB: Large parasol fungus (on explore)
BertvB: Bundle mycena
BertvB: yellow fungus
BertvB: Large parasol fungus
BertvB: fly agaric - two white spots left
BertvB: Common brimstone
BertvB: Common micaceous ink fungus
BertvB: Large parasol fungus
BertvB: fly agaric
BertvB: Last mushrooms of the season
BertvB: The sun shining through the autumn column