David Kingham: Snowy Range Perseids Meteor Shower
Andrew Kumler: Perseid Meteor through the Milky Way..
Swedish National Heritage Board: August Ländin, Kårsta, Uppland, Sweden
Mohav [Trafficante di Sarde]: Daun Ander #17 - The Ship on The Sea
brian_mcqueen: childhood
ryocoryocoryoco: 2012 #59
aqua_don: 雪原カーニバルなかさと2012
manyfires: pig tails.
Jib Peter: Burgundy Is Funny
olgeir: Northern lights Iceland
olgeir: Night out on the ice..
olgeir: Northern lights Iceland
Swedish National Heritage Board: Karl Oskar Lööw, Fredhäll, Uppland, Sweden
motionid: Long grass in the sun