♞Jenny♞: Say Uncle!!!!
♞Jenny♞: Otto and His Little Blue Ball
♞Jenny♞: Am I cute? mommy?
♞Jenny♞: Otto channeling his inner tuff, badass German Shepherd persona
♞Jenny♞: Are my ears too big for my head?
♞Jenny♞: I am Otto, hear me roar!!!!!!
♞Jenny♞: Zzzzzzzzzz
♞Jenny♞: Still a little guy
♞Jenny♞: It's always a good idea to sleep real close to a water dish
♞Jenny♞: Ready to take on the world
♞Jenny♞: Otto gets more mature looking every day practically
♞Jenny♞: Mommy, are my ears too big?
♞Jenny♞: My Little Valentine
♞Jenny♞: I know! I'm so dang cute
♞Jenny♞: Watching. Listening. Waiting.
♞Jenny♞: If it makes a sound, he hears it
♞Jenny♞: Otto, looking pretty grown up, eh?
♞Jenny♞: Nothing like the love and devotion of a good dog
♞Jenny♞: Singing Lessons
♞Jenny♞: Friendship
♞Jenny♞: BokehOttoLicious
♞Jenny♞: Otto, our German Shepherd
♞Jenny♞: Otto in a rare quiet moment
♞Jenny♞: The Hunter
♞Jenny♞: Run fast and always carry a big stick!!
♞Jenny♞: Otto and Cav