♞Jenny♞: We don't all need to be the same to get along
♞Jenny♞: Otto listening to his favorite satellite station
♞Jenny♞: Ruff!!! Ruff!!!!!
♞Jenny♞: At attention
♞Jenny♞: My Number One Protector
♞Jenny♞: Otto baby picture
♞Jenny♞: This one breaks the 'cute' meter for me!
♞Jenny♞: My sweet boy
♞Jenny♞: I never feel lonesome
♞Jenny♞: Not to be bothered
♞Jenny♞: Really mom? Bubbles?
♞Jenny♞: The Protector
♞Jenny♞: That Look
♞Jenny♞: Loyalty
♞Jenny♞: The Gatekeeper
♞Jenny♞: Mom, did you forget
♞Jenny♞: "C'mon Pete! Let's play,"
♞Jenny♞: The quietness of his eyes
♞Jenny♞: Priceless
♞Jenny♞: "Mom, when are you gonna be all better again?"
♞Jenny♞: Otto chasing Pete
♞Jenny♞: My view upon awakening
♞Jenny♞: My beautiful boy (Today's his birthday)
♞Jenny♞: One of the best things
♞Jenny♞: I Love my Dog
♞Jenny♞: What loyalty looks like
♞Jenny♞: Time to cowboy up boys!
♞Jenny♞: The Face of Deception
♞Jenny♞: Studious Otto