PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes ochroleuca
PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes ochroleuca
PlatantheraSeeker: Dead Fungus gnat with Neottia cordata Pollinia
Doug_McGrady: Spiranthes praecox (Grass-leaved Ladies' Tresses orchid), Sabine National Forest, San Augustine, TX
Gene Herzberg: Autumn Cliffs
Doug_McGrady: Spiranthes tuberosa (little ladies'-tresses), West Greenwich, RI. State Endangered.
Gene Herzberg: Small Purple Fringed Orchid
PlatantheraSeeker: Platanthera unalascensis
Doug_McGrady: Cypripedium reginae (showy lady's-slipper), Western Massachusetts. State Endangered.
PlatantheraSeeker: Halictid Pollinating Spiranthes lucida
PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes lucida and Pollinating Halictid Bee
PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes lucida Flowers
PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes vernalis
Georges Lachaîne: Nous avons sauvés la vie de cette petite tortue serpentine qui était a côté de la piste cyclable
Georges Lachaîne: Cardinal à poitrine rose
Doug_McGrady: Botrychium matricariifolium (daisy-leaved moonwort fern), Burlingame Management Area, Charlestown, RI. Special Concern.
ab_orchid: Platanthera stricta - up close
ab_orchid: Neottia borealis
ab_orchid: Corallorhiza striata, group.
PlatantheraSeeker: Tipularia discolor
PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes vernalis
PlatantheraSeeker: Spiranthes tuberosa
favmark1: Kent's Coastal Autumn Lady's Tresses. Spiranthes Spiralis
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Nothing like contact with nature to recharge yourself. Rhetus dysonii (Riodinidae family) and Fountainea nessus (Nymphalidae family, Charaxinae sub family), Farallones de Cali, Valle del Cauca department del , Colombia.
Doug_McGrady: Spiranthes vernalis (spring ladies'-tresses), Woonsocket, RI. State concern. Growing in a historic graveyard with Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem).
Doug_McGrady: Spiranthes vernalis (spring ladies'-tresses), Woonsocket, RI. State concern. Growing in a historic graveyard with Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem).
Doug_McGrady: Spiranthes vernalis (spring ladies'-tresses), Woonsocket, RI. State concern. Growing in a historic graveyard with Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem).
PlatantheraSeeker: Platanthera aquilonis and P. huronensis
alainmaire71: Lutin des pins / Eastern Pine Elfin
Doug_McGrady: Boechera stricta (Canada rockcress), Cumberland, RI. State concern species, although this the only remaining population. Growing on greenstone rock.