beneaththe405: Discovered today: side pocket of my saddlebag perfectly holds two tomatoes with no smashing. Picnic is saved! #bikeatwork
beneaththe405: Juniper views. Best view yet out of the airship window. It smells heavenly. #airstream
beneaththe405: This is how to ride a Rivendell! Right @rivbike? Santa Fe pump track, full moon, after beers.
beneaththe405: Finally giving up some of these old Chicago posters. I adored this one! #bikeincinema
beneaththe405: New airship parking.
beneaththe405: Margarita in my water bottle + working on @wagonwheels sweet yard = happy day
beneaththe405: Best coffee shop in town @rustingmiller
beneaththe405: I find the most beautiful weekend wedding remnants that took place on magical hidden lawns all summer long at work. This one is just gorgeously wild.
beneaththe405: My first real farm harvest done by cargo bike! @lospoblanos
beneaththe405: Eagerly awaiting the arrival of my favorite NM guests. Niece + Nephew = gorgeous family time! <3
beneaththe405: Dreamy date rides @rustingmiller
beneaththe405: A sweet/magic NM wakeup call: a balloon struggling not to land in your yard. <3
beneaththe405: Going through boxes of photos trying to prepare for life in 200 sq feet and found this beautiful photoshoot of my sister and I. Jolene, you are STUNNING!!! #tbt
beneaththe405: The lunches i've been making for myself at work lately remind me of my favorite Buddha quote: "You, yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
beneaththe405: It's taken almost two years but I am now in the inner circle. Albert trusts me enough to not turn away when I take his photo. <3
beneaththe405: Arroyo rider @rustingmiller
beneaththe405: The last supper in Albuquerque. <3
beneaththe405: My coffee date this morning: Chester the peacock.
beneaththe405: The view from my front porch for the night. @lospoblanos you are truly stunning.
beneaththe405: Every night hill hangouts. @rustingmiller
beneaththe405: Date night at Whole Foods, as always. @rustingmiller
beneaththe405: The wonders of the beautiful North Valley of Albuquerque never cease to amaze me. Cottonwood treehouse right on the acequia.
beneaththe405: A tomato themed snack. Not for the casual tomato fan.
beneaththe405: Airstream life means heavy editing. Only the best of the best: Bradbury, Del Rey, Asimov, and Castaneda.
beneaththe405: A project this big requires a nice bottle of wine and every godspeed you black emperor album. #airstream
beneaththe405: Welcome to Santa Fe. Springtop bikeride picnic on top of Cross of the Martyr's park. <3
beneaththe405: A new countertop built by yours truly and mr. @rustingmiller. #airstream A work in progress still, but lovely.
beneaththe405: New (sweet bicycle) job for @rustingmiller means new adventure for us. Santa Fe!
beneaththe405: Best ride home with gifts for @rustingmiller from our farmers.
beneaththe405: Spring means the babes are back on the farm. The great re-chickening. <3