bemeup99: Konyak, Longwa village
bemeup99: Guns at Longwa Village
bemeup99: Konyak with light bulb, Hong Phoi Village
bemeup99: Young Konyaks
bemeup99: Young Konyak women.
bemeup99: We are dressed for Aoling.
bemeup99: Young girl, Hong Phoi Village
bemeup99: Konyak woman, Hong Phoi Village
bemeup99: Konyak, Longwa village
bemeup99: Nagaland India
bemeup99: Lampong Sheangha Village
bemeup99: Old Naga
bemeup99: I am watching the Aoling festival.
bemeup99: Nagaland
bemeup99: Walking home.
bemeup99: konyak, Chen Loisho Village
bemeup99: Konyak Lampong Sheanghah village
bemeup99: Konyak, Longwa village
bemeup99: Have you got your photo?
bemeup99: Nocte, Chalo Loku festival. The old men are singing..
bemeup99: Old Longwa warrior
bemeup99: This is our ceremonial cup.
bemeup99: I am an old warrior of Tangyu village.
bemeup99: Old Makury tribesman
bemeup99: That's my duck.
bemeup99: Aoling fun and games.
bemeup99: We're getting ready to dance.
bemeup99: Old Hong Phoi warrior
bemeup99: I'm off to the garden.
bemeup99: Ang (Chief) of Hong Phoi