Bellet CZ: Cagliari
Bellet CZ: an organizer for 2012 diary I made for my sewing magazine Marina (January issue)
Bellet CZ: A fabric box I made for my sewing magazine (published in Czech Republic)
Bellet CZ: a round handbag made for January issue of my sewing magazine Marina
Bellet CZ: Cover of my January sewing magazine I publish within our country
Bellet CZ: DSC_5484
Bellet CZ: DSC_5490
Bellet CZ: DSC_5482
Bellet CZ: MQ 12-2011 str 58
Bellet CZ: MQ 12-2011 str 28
Bellet CZ: MQ 12-2011 str 22
Bellet CZ: MQ 12-2011 str 18
Bellet CZ: MQ 12-2011 str 14
Bellet CZ: MQ 12-2011 str 06
Bellet CZ: marina q12-2011 obalka V2-1
Bellet CZ: DSC_3599
Bellet CZ: DSC_3314
Bellet CZ: MQ 11-2011 str 28
Bellet CZ: DSC_3703
Bellet CZ: DSC_3792 copy
Bellet CZ: DSC_3803
Bellet CZ: DSC_3797
Bellet CZ: MQ 11-2011 str 54
Bellet CZ: MQ 11-2011 str 06
Bellet CZ: DSC_3671
Bellet CZ: DSC_3633
Bellet CZ: DSC_3403
Bellet CZ: DSC_0688
Bellet CZ: DSC_1255