don beleq: “His loyalty, so fierce and unwavering, makes my eyes water and heart ache.”
don beleq: My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything - even if you have no clue what you're doing.
don beleq: Old Lamp
don beleq: Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely
don beleq: Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star. - Paul Dirac
don beleq: When i Feel Down
don beleq: All you need to do is hold on tight..... And believe - Stephen King
don beleq: You Choose
don beleq: Hangin There
don beleq: Screw Me, Screw You
don beleq: Life Line
don beleq: DSC_2457
don beleq: DSC_2484
don beleq: DSC_2486
don beleq: DSC_1195
don beleq: DSC_2087
don beleq: DSC_2088
don beleq: DSC_2267
don beleq: DSC_2579
don beleq: DSC_2708
don beleq: DSC_2352
don beleq: DSC_1937
don beleq: DSC_2100
don beleq: You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
don beleq: DSC_2923-wm
don beleq: DSC_2156-wm
don beleq: DSC_2226-wm
don beleq: DSC_2943-wm
don beleq: DSC_2930-wm
don beleq: DSC_2955-wm