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don beleq
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don beleq
or maybe we’ll be entwined
don beleq
It is just me and you, Enia
don beleq
I still look for your face in the crowd. Oh if you could see me now
don beleq
riding on the edge of the unknown
don beleq
in touch with all of my brightest fantasies
don beleq
I feel safe with who I am, where I am
don beleq
In the sun i feel as one
don beleq
in touch with all of my brightest fantasies
don beleq
Your guardian angels
don beleq
Lonely people. Angry people. Bitter. Forgotten
don beleq
empty shopping bag
don beleq
earth ---- planets, we
don beleq
La força d'un sentiment
don beleq
and i stand alone since then
don beleq
What you deserve will be down to you, and you alone
don beleq
everything makes me dream
don beleq
And i remember quiet evenings trembling losing you...
don beleq
I enjoy the autumn more than the spring now.
don beleq
And so you know, you'll never shine alone.
don beleq
look into my eyes c
don beleq
I've lived here ... my whole life
don beleq
My soul will find yours
don beleq
Light will guide you home
don beleq
Sometime i think; and sometime i am
don beleq
I am lost in my world, invisible - unknown.
don beleq
If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.
don beleq
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
don beleq
do not be tired to keep dreaming
don beleq
Life doesn't imitate art
don beleq
From the center, no one can run. Not even wind
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