Bel Biv:
This little Polichinelle really killed it in the PS 9 nutcracker last night. I’m very proud of #maxfantastic and all the rest of the #nutcracker cast.
Bel Biv:
I grew a beard AND I voted. (Polls close in an hour and they are still packed in my neighborhood.) last call for democracy NYC!!!
Bel Biv:
#maxfantastic and I are having a stoop sale! He worked really hard on the advertising and things are selling like hot potatoes (as he just said). Stop by! #stoopsale #toys #puzzles #otherthings
Bel Biv:
Obligatory first day of school pic. #3rdGrade #1stGrade #maxfantastic #ezraspectacular #theygrowupsofast
Bel Biv:
This little typist is 6 today. Happy Birthday #ezraspectacular !!! #justaskedforatypewriter #analogfuture
Bel Biv:
Another beautiful day on Lake Armington. Gonna take that canoe out when the wind dies down. #lakearmington #nh #lakelife #vacation
Bel Biv:
That’s #maxfantastic out on the yellow dock. Having a great first day on the lake. #lakearmington #nh #vacation #lakelife
Bel Biv:
Last day of school, looking ahead with wonder and worry (or just side-eye). #maxfantastic #ezraspectacular
Bel Biv:
#ezraspectacular stepping up to first grade (guest starring the strong side eye of his friend clementine) #ps9 #kindergartenisoverish
Bel Biv:
#maxfantastic made me the punniest father’s day card. Note the stubble on the big olive. #olives #fathersday
Bel Biv:
We’ve got the best viburnum in our yard. #dayoff #gardening #iwenttohomedepotandeverything #maybeillmulchlater
Bel Biv:
#maxfantastic , #ezraspectacular and I made a mess and . Happy Mother’s Day! #obligatory #momslovepancakes #oratleasttheirmomdoes
Bel Biv:
My mom before she was a mom. photo by Evelyn Dvorin (my grandmother). #1970s #kodachrome #slide
Bel Biv:
Seeing jawbreaker, no after party. #jawbreaker #22yearslater #somanyyoungpunks #rockandrollbirthdaypresent