Bel Ami+t: Happy 141st Canada XOXO
Bel Ami+t: Je suis beau
Bel Ami+t: La Dolce Kavita
Bel Ami+t: Shikara
Bel Ami+t: Srinagar from top
Bel Ami+t: Sun sets over Srinagar, behind Hari Parbat
Bel Ami+t: Any takers?
Bel Ami+t: Oh! let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dreams
Bel Ami+t: Agony
Bel Ami+t: Indian Snow for Chrispy
Bel Ami+t: Passing through
Bel Ami+t: More horseriders
Bel Ami+t: Bel Ami+t and his noble steed
Bel Ami+t: Lunch time
Bel Ami+t: Happy family
Bel Ami+t: Water buffalo
Bel Ami+t: You beauty
Bel Ami+t: Camera lover a.k.a Dancing crow
Bel Ami+t: Cobra's stare
Bel Ami+t: Holy Langur
Bel Ami+t: fearless bird
Bel Ami+t: And there was an ocean of people:)
Bel Ami+t: Which arches are better?
Bel Ami+t: Red Fort
Bel Ami+t: Development
Bel Ami+t: Religion now and then
Bel Ami+t: Where pigeons rule
Bel Ami+t: Mesmirising puppets-DOF
Bel Ami+t: Manrising
Bel Ami+t: A face in the crowd