Macrolensfan: SO HE HID IT! - for five long years he wore this watch up his ass!!
bormanus_sv: rosso pompeiano
fxp: DSC_1914
Elena Gazza: Noemi@Fuori Orario
Linda Cronin: Paxos bells
risquillo: After work
Vadoazonzo: ombra di bicicletta
tokyololas: the bubble burst here around 1990...
:chris:: End of days...
rosa_pedra: il paese delle gabbie di scarpe
Muktasyaf AnNamir: HDR#05 - Serenity | Ketenangan Abadi?
Mario Caruso: Ambulante
Oswald A: Bangkok (revised)
Rich3591: Sunset at Deganwy
pominoz: Tranquil
fxp: Men are insignificant compared to nature.
coopsgirl22: African Daisy
Austrian Alex: REFLECTING
Mary Susan Smith: Solo - post process
liliBZH: Sur la pointe des pieds
briyen: Escape
[Oni]: Fluturo ti shqipe!
briyen: The space between you and me
dog ma: "I think it annoys God if you walk by the color purple in nature and don't notice it."
skaboy: les gavines de palamos esperen el moment que el vaixell arribi a port per atacar i enportar-se la seva merescuda recompensa despres del seguiment de vigilancia que han fet !!!!
gcgoop: aIMG_4009