Behmachine: Umore Relics
Behmachine: Umore relics
Behmachine: water tower stairs
Behmachine: Split Rock Lighthouse
Behmachine: Split Rock Lighthouse
Behmachine: Vermillion River
Behmachine: Snow drifts on Cedar Lake
Behmachine: Footprints in the snow
Behmachine: IMGP4994
Behmachine: Fall colors
Behmachine: Train on the tracks
Behmachine: Ice blocks
Behmachine: Ice blocks
Behmachine: Icy Post
Behmachine: Ice chunks
Behmachine: Blown in ice
Behmachine: Oreboat on Lake Superior
Behmachine: Ice on Lake Superior
Behmachine: Kashi
Behmachine: Leftovers
Behmachine: Lambs Ear Freezee
Behmachine: Friends for Life
Behmachine: Fall and Raking Leaves
Behmachine: red leaf on car hood
Behmachine: Lake Maria State Park refection
Behmachine: Tools for the down times
Behmachine: bhso 2013 00013
Behmachine: bhso 2013 00012
Behmachine: bhso 2013 00011
Behmachine: bhso 2013 00010