PeePee Bubbles: Greasy sweety stuff
PeePee Bubbles: It was around 8 am or some such, I really don't blame him!
PeePee Bubbles: Lemme tell you unmixed paint is cool as hell
PeePee Bubbles: Augh get out of my way I was going top speeds on the net
PeePee Bubbles: I miss the house so much... Sigh
PeePee Bubbles: My dessert. Haven't had a good coffee like that in weeks!!
PeePee Bubbles: Annual Monkey Island playthrough has begun..
PeePee Bubbles: Summa breeze!!
PeePee Bubbles: My babies
PeePee Bubbles: More laundry
PeePee Bubbles: Tasty childhood memories! A tacqueria nearby sells em luckily!
PeePee Bubbles: Caught myself doodling to avoid ONLINE homework. Sigh
PeePee Bubbles: Whatta dingus!
PeePee Bubbles: It was a really nice day out
PeePee Bubbles: Can't even raid the fridge in peace w the cat police around...
PeePee Bubbles: Bright and hot day.... Still a little breeze :D
PeePee Bubbles: I promise I wasn't picking on you, guy!!
PeePee Bubbles: Spring day
PeePee Bubbles: My Shep!!
PeePee Bubbles: He's fallin asleep...!
PeePee Bubbles: I glasstap for a living
PeePee Bubbles: Currently expanding my musical knowledge
PeePee Bubbles: Watching Aladdin at 4am for prosperity
PeePee Bubbles: Tasty wall!