Mia Carneiro: München
Mia Carneiro: Chapéu de mexicano
Brenda Fernandes Marques: Le Sacre du Printemps
ashley rose,: where do we go now
Champ&Candice: Lots o' Love 31/52
ashley rose,: we will become silhouettes
Rachel Baran: Party popper
Champ&Candice: The Charmer 17/52
Champ&Candice: Butterfly 1
Renata Salvi: Gorda <3
ashley rose,: stop motion, fifteen.
Rachel Baran: October
Rachel Baran: The world is not in your books and maps
BruceSilva: Elliot Reis - Gloria @ Juiz de Fora - 10 nov 2012
Alfio Ansaloni: ansanet@libero.it
V.Delvecchio: Lixo/Metal