beca-: In one of the evening babysitting 4 kids..
beca-: London sunset..on a late Sunday. #canarywharf #thamesriver
beca-: The Canary Wharf station on a less crowded Sunday.
beca-: The other side of London in Zone 1. Every time I said Zone 1, it really sounds like a containment place for zombies! Anyway, here looks like Chicago to me, but much cleaner, neater and polisher(?) 🏧🏢🏨🏦
beca-: What a bright Saturday! Should I stay in and write or should I stay out but where about?
beca-: If there's two reasons to be wide awake at 4am ish are the beautiful London sun rise and a tight deadline. 4.08.16
beca-: Currently sitting under this big tree enjoying the breezy sunny afternoon..
beca-: Friday after school and the kids...
beca-: "The one who are successful are valued by their Iman and deed. The one who are successful by the sight of Allah not because of wealth or power but because of his Iman and the person who has Iman is a person who is consistent in their obedience towards All
beca-: Indeed any good deeds we do in Ramadhan is not from us..but it is all from Allah...
beca-: The ocd in me can't stand all those messy drawings hanging while i try to write my thesis peacefully. So off you all go to a kept file. The kids drawing can stay.
beca-: Sent off...
beca-: This was the first time i cried reading and reflecting on the history at a museum. Musuems in London are all very interesting. This one was at Childhood museum exhibiting British children emigrants in the 1800s. The children were separated from their pare
beca-: At Childhood musuem!
beca-: See you again cousins! InsyaAllah.
beca-: My ever good looking adik who's the tallest among all and I think he has ocd. Very neat person. So I show this pic to my son and he said, "wait..i know this person" ingat rupanya dia... Although he's the queit type...i always knew that in his heart there
beca-: My drawing exhibition and my number one fan very excited playing paper aircraft.
beca-: If you open my car trunk... #datacollectionstuff #giftforkids #youshouldloveauntierock #auntierokrocks #whowantstobemyparticipant
beca-: Sunday evening be like...
beca-: Tomorrow is going to be another rushing day. Printing stuff for data collection, finishing up some tiny bit of codes and im off for pilot test. My fourth empirical work is about to begun at last! All the while procrastinate to code again, its now done.. S
beca-: Just feelin black and white right now.
beca-: A pool of daisies... Just around the corner from B's nursery.
beca-: Sunny evening be like.. #nofilter #naturallighting #naturallightisworththefight #liveauthentic #livelife #livesimple
beca-: In an attempt to capture beautiful sky..
beca-: Snow in mid April. No wonder its colllldddd!
beca-: Yep, even this poor bookshelves which was empty God knows for how many years...are now proud filled with treasure! Just next to the exhibition pane. #theysayphdisalonelyjourney #poorthem #theyjustdontknowhowtorockone #justthinkyoureonasecretmission #inth
beca-: Once there was a girl who work and study happily ever after in a beautiful and sophisticated new palace of all comp science people..until one fine day on one of the best ten days in a year during the best day of Dzulhijjah..she got a love letter
beca-: You see nobody is using this huge blue board lying there in my office. So i thought why not hijack it? Wait for another 27drawings and then it sure feel like some kind of exhibition in my office with basically erk..just 3people in it? #lifeatoffice #verym
beca-: From my bedroom window..Beautiful view of the skies. I love that the whole window covering almost half of the wall at this side. I get to gaze at pretty sunset in the evenings when i get home early. Now that summer is approaching..the day will be longer..
beca-: A little boy and a tree. At a park just nearby..