yookyland: Good morning 🐶
Jasper's Human: The Stay Puft Marshmallow Bird
Jasper's Human: Oh, the horror!
Jasper's Human: Yellow-Rumped Angel
Jasper's Human: Surveying the Sage
Jasper's Human: Dapper dabbler
Jasper's Human: Jasper holds court
Jasper's Human: Sage Boy
Jasper's Human: Backyard Beauty
Jasper's Human: The Peekaboo Spy
Jasper's Human: Flying Angel
Jasper's Human: Not your ordinary autumn color
Jasper's Human: Soggy young grebe
Jasper's Human: Working the Ranch
Jasper's Human: Goose on a mission
Jasper's Human: Yes! The back yard is OPEN! (45/52)
Jasper's Human: That fancy duck again
Jasper's Human: And its Jasper for the win!
Jasper's Human: The flip and gulp technique
Jasper's Human: Exploring the canyons
Jasper's Human: Mr. Magnificent
Jasper's Human: Sick humans are so boring (46/52)
Jasper's Human: Are you cuckoo?
Jasper's Human: Chatterbox
Jasper's Human: The waiting game
Jasper's Human: The can opener
Jasper's Human: Thanksgiving Dreams (47/52)
Jasper's Human: The departure