Janey Kay: ~ it'll be early this year, won't it? ~ il sera plus tôt cette année, n'est-ce pas ? ~
Riedler.H: Vorderer Gosausee (931m ü. M.)
★.stellar.★: Amazing Love
Janey Kay: ~ sweetness and light ~
zagor64.: CI SONO ANCHE IO
WilliamMarlow: Fireworks in front of the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument
Sean/Pollock: F1000029
Jeremy Saker: Butterfly on Verbena.
Pelin**: 000039
bridget bourke: anglesea
kvwcreations: Commanding Pose
ant_sk: olympus om1n first roll
teacups & sailboats: eye close-up
rosewithoutathorn84: Marie Antoinette - theater
rosewithoutathorn84: Marie Antoinette - Laduree!