BugsAlive: Argynnis aglaja - the Dark Green Fritillary
BugsAlive: Argynnis niobe - the Niobe Fritillary
BugsAlive: Argynnis niobe - the Niobe Fritillary
BugsAlive: Argynnis paphia - the Silver-washed Fritillary
BugsAlive: Argynnis paphia - the Silver-washed Fritillary (male)
BugsAlive: Brenthis daphne - the Marbled Fritillary
BugsAlive: Brintesia Circe - the Great Banded Grayling
BugsAlive: Brintesia circe - the Great Banded Grayling
BugsAlive: Carcharodus alceae - the Mallow Skipper
BugsAlive: Carcharodus alceae - the Mallow skipper
BugsAlive: Coenonympha arcania - the Pearly Heath
BugsAlive: Coenonympha dorus - the Dusky Heath
BugsAlive: Colias crocea - the Clouded Yellow
BugsAlive: Hipparchia fidia - the Striped Grayling
BugsAlive: Hipparchia fidia - the Striped Grayling
BugsAlive: Hipparchia hermione - the Rock Grayling
BugsAlive: Iphiclides podalirius - the Scarce Swallowtail
BugsAlive: Iphiclides podalirius - the Scarce Swallowtail
BugsAlive: Iphiclides podalirius - the Scarce Swallowtail
BugsAlive: Iphiclides podalirius - the Scarce Swallowtail
BugsAlive: Issoria lathonia - the Queen of Spain Fritillary
BugsAlive: Lasiommata megera - the Wall
BugsAlive: Lasiommata megera - the Wall or Wall Brown
BugsAlive: Leptidea sinapis - the Wood White
BugsAlive: Limenitis reducta - the Southern White Admiral
BugsAlive: Limenitis reducta - the Southern White Admiral
BugsAlive: Lycaena alciphron - the Purple-shot Copper (male)
BugsAlive: Lycaena alciphron - the Purple-shot Copper (male)
BugsAlive: Lycaena dispar - the Large Copper (male)
BugsAlive: Lycaena tityrus - the Sooty Copper (female)