BugsAlive: Abraxas grossularata - Magpie Moth
BugsAlive: Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale - Hawthorn Shield Bug
BugsAlive: Acronicta psi - the Grey Dagger Moth
BugsAlive: Aeshna cyanea - the Southern Hawker (female)
BugsAlive: Aeshna grandis - Brown Hawker (female ovipositing)
BugsAlive: Aeshna grandis - the Brown Hawker (female ovipositing)
BugsAlive: Agapanthia villosoviridescens - Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle
BugsAlive: Agapanthia villosoviridescens - the Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle
BugsAlive: Aglais io - The Peacock
BugsAlive: Aglais urticae - Small Tortoiseshell
BugsAlive: Anax imperator - Blue Emperor (female ovipositing)
BugsAlive: Anax imperator - Blue Emperor (male)
BugsAlive: Andrena cineraria - the Ashy or Grey Mining Bee
BugsAlive: Anthocharis cardamines - the Orange Tip (female)
BugsAlive: Aphantopus hyperantus - The Ringlet
BugsAlive: Arctia caja - the Garden Tiger moth (larva)
BugsAlive: Argynnis paphia - Silver-washed Fritillary (female)
BugsAlive: Aricia agestis - Brown Argus
BugsAlive: Bombus lucorum - White-tailed bumblebee
BugsAlive: Bombus pascuorum - Common Carder Bee
BugsAlive: Bombus pascuorum - Common Carder Bee (male)
BugsAlive: Bombylius discolor - the Dotted Bee-fly
BugsAlive: Calameuta filiformis - the Reed Stem Borer
BugsAlive: Callimorpha dominula - the Scarlet Tiger moth larva
BugsAlive: Camptogramma bilineata - the Yellow Shell Moth
BugsAlive: Cantharis decipiens
BugsAlive: Cantharis rustica - a soldier beetle
BugsAlive: Cantharis rustica - a soldier beetle
BugsAlive: Celastrina argiolus - the Holly Blue
BugsAlive: Cercopis vulnerata - the Red-and-black Froghopper