BugsAlive: Callophrys rubi - the Green Hairstreak
BugsAlive: Aeshna grandis - the Brown Hawker (female ovipositing)
BugsAlive: Nemophora metallica - a day-flying micro-moth
BugsAlive: Polyommatus icarus - Common Blue (male)
BugsAlive: Sympetrum striolatum - Common Darter (copula)
BugsAlive: Anax imperator - Blue Emperor (female ovipositing)
BugsAlive: Metrioptera roeselii - Roesel's Bush Cricket (long wing form)
BugsAlive: Pyrochroa serraticornis
BugsAlive: Erynnis tages - the Dingy Skipper
BugsAlive: Enallagma cyathigerum - Common Blue Damselfly (male)
BugsAlive: Satyrium pruni - the Black Hairstreak
BugsAlive: Pararge aegeria - the Speckled Wood
BugsAlive: Andrena cineraria - the Ashy or Grey Mining Bee
BugsAlive: Pseudopanthera macularia - the Speckled Yellow moth (in copula)
BugsAlive: Vanessa cardui - the Painted Lady
BugsAlive: Zygaena trifolii - Five-spot Burnet
BugsAlive: Melolontha melolontha - the Cockchafer
BugsAlive: Hamearis lucina - the Duke of Burgundy (male)
BugsAlive: Clytus arietis - Wasp Beetle
BugsAlive: Sympetrum sanguineum - Ruddy Darter (male)
BugsAlive: Bombus pascuorum - Common Carder Bee
BugsAlive: Omocestus viridulus - Common Green Grasshopper (male)
BugsAlive: Phyllopertha horticola - Garden Chafer
BugsAlive: Euphydryas aurinia - the Marsh Fritillary
BugsAlive: Tyria jacobaeae - The Cinnabar
BugsAlive: Satyrium w-album - the White-letter Hairstreak (female)
BugsAlive: Tenthredo scrophulariae - Figwort Sawfly
BugsAlive: Eriothrix rufomaculata - a Tachinid fly
BugsAlive: Sympetrum sanguineum - Ruddy Darter (male)
BugsAlive: Timarcha tenebricosa - the Bloody-nosed Beetle