BugsAlive: Aglais io - The Peacock
BugsAlive: Aglais urticae - Small Tortoiseshell
BugsAlive: Anthocharis cardamines - the Orange Tip (female)
BugsAlive: Aphantopus hyperantus - The Ringlet
BugsAlive: Argynnis aglaja - the Dark Green Fritillary
BugsAlive: Argynnis aglaja - the Dark Green Fritillary (male)
BugsAlive: Argynnis aglaja - the Dark Green Fritillary (male)
BugsAlive: Argynnis paphia - Silver-washed Fritillary (female)
BugsAlive: Aricia agestis - Brown Argus
BugsAlive: Aricia agestis - Brown Argus (female)
BugsAlive: Boloria euphrosyne - the Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Boloria euphrosyne - the Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Boloria euphrosyne - the Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Boloria euphrosyne - the Pearl-bordered Fritillary (female laying egg)
BugsAlive: Boloria selene - the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Boloria selene - the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Boloria selene - the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Boloria selene - the Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
BugsAlive: Callophrys rubi - the Green Hairstreak
BugsAlive: Celastrina argiolus - the Holly Blue
BugsAlive: Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath
BugsAlive: Coenonympha pamphilus - the Small Heath
BugsAlive: Cupido minimus - the Small Blue (male)
BugsAlive: Erynnis tages - the Dingy Skipper
BugsAlive: Erynnis tages - the Dingy Skipper
BugsAlive: Erynnis tages - the Dingy Skipper
BugsAlive: Euphydryas aurinia - the Marsh Fritillary
BugsAlive: Euphydryas aurinia - the Marsh Fritillary
BugsAlive: Euphydryas aurinia - the Marsh Fritillary
BugsAlive: Euphydryas aurinia - the Marsh Fritillary