BugsAlive: Calicnemia imitans (young male)
BugsAlive: Enallagma cyathigerum - Common Blue Damselfly
BugsAlive: Enallagma cyathigerum - Common Blue Damselfly (male)
BugsAlive: Enallagma cyathigerum - the Common Blue Damselfly (female blue form)
BugsAlive: Enallagma cyathigerum - the Common Blue Damselfly (immature male)
BugsAlive: Ischnura elegans - Common Bluetail (female form rufescens)
BugsAlive: Ischnura elegans - the Common Bluetail (immature female pink form)
BugsAlive: Lestes sponsa - Emerald Damselfly (immature female)
BugsAlive: Mnais andersoni - Anderson's Greenwing (red wing form)
BugsAlive: Neurobasis chinensis - Oriental Greenwing (male)
BugsAlive: Platycnemis pennipes - the Blue Featherleg (female)
BugsAlive: Platycnemis pennipes - the White-legged Damselfly (immature female)
BugsAlive: Rhinocypha fenestrella (male) - Peacock Jewel
BugsAlive: Rhinocypha fenestrella - the Peacock Jewel (female)
BugsAlive: Rhinocypha fenestrella - the Peacock Jewel (immature male)
BugsAlive: Rhinocypha fenestrella - the Peacock Jewel (teneral male)