Билл: Kodak Master Photoguide
Hans Kerensky: Rolleicord III Rick Oleson Screen Upgrade (01)
iminhull: Day 217 - Spray (explored)
musicman67: The Bronze Age.
musicman67: Growing Room.
musicman67: Feeling Blue.
musicman67: Green Groove.
musicman67: Harbor Nights.
Билл: Innocent looking.
kelley girl: yummo!
joka2000: Lotus #8
Билл: Sacred Tree
Rien Bongers: Altar of Marcus Agricola
Yoshi*: 花見の宴
sprklg: お花見
kaycatt*: tsubaki / Camellia japonica
Билл: Did we ride?
Билл: Engineer
Билл: Leda and the Swan - Himeji
nobuflickr: 清涼寺のもみじ
Castaway in Scotland: Push Me Pull You, 31 Aug 09
cormend: Sky Mirror
Nesster: fancy 6x9
tarotastic: The Bubble Magician
musicman67: Together.
maiko.gallery: DSC_8635