McMorr: resting after a heavy workload
The Adventures of Kristin & Adam: ForeverTron in Antique
gari.baldi: old style tractor
beebo wallace: abandoned by the promised land
mikestuartwood: Gas Masks on the floor of Prypiat School
firdaus omar: Pengena dan Terkena*
megatowel: 00851
megatowel: IMG_8123
megatowel: IMG_0810_DxO copy
McMorr: Winter and Abandoned
Armando Martinez: A breath of fire
young-at-art.: The lonely call of the wild.
megatowel: Grass
megatowel: USSR
pmorgan: Shanghai Skyscape
firdaus omar: water reactor
lomokev: houses of parliament
gallmese: D o F
Sebazzo: [no theme] - 25
Cormac Phelan: Autumn Footpath