bean0: In the powder room
bean0: Look at that tongue!
bean0: beauty queen
bean0: couch potato
bean0: hi
bean0: saying hello to Buttons
bean0: tidying up
bean0: World Class Peoples
bean0: Good Prices
bean0: 80's
bean0: Fudge Room Menu
bean0: North Hall
bean0: PA state equine law
bean0: Easter Bunny
bean0: For dogs
bean0: Me Chinese...
bean0: DP winter
bean0: Who me?
bean0: Tiny kitten
bean0: Lovely lady
bean0: Yarn
bean0: Harvey
bean0: Making a light breakfast on the 4 train
bean0: His brother sniffs tumors
bean0: Blast from the past
bean0: And stay out!
bean0: Perfect dining companion
bean0: ETK
bean0: Little Man
bean0: Double fisting