Vanessa Faye: Big Red
Vanessa Faye: Star Barn
Vanessa Faye: Little family
Vanessa Faye: made with love
Vanessa Faye: Tis the season
Vanessa Faye: Tis the season
Vanessa Faye: Tis the season
Vanessa Faye: Tis the season
Vanessa Faye: Tis the season
Vanessa Faye: Senior beauty
Vanessa Faye: i needed some peace
Vanessa Faye: hanging out
Vanessa Faye: seriously, we'll shoot you
Vanessa Faye: I spy with my little eye - YOU!
Vanessa Faye: sweets in the wild
Vanessa Faye: hff :)
Vanessa Faye: simple bokeh
Vanessa Faye: creek and wildflowers
Vanessa Faye: almost heaven
Vanessa Faye: dewy fence friday
Vanessa Faye: bird prints
Vanessa Faye: fwis morning beach walk edition
Vanessa Faye: itty bitty shell
Vanessa Faye: the view from low
Vanessa Faye: Turtle tracks
Vanessa Faye: Warning - Do not disturb!
Vanessa Faye: Shells after the rain
Vanessa Faye: Beach beauty
Vanessa Faye: Beach beauty
Vanessa Faye: Pelican watching