beach poet: Pollen flies! Half clones drifting on winds--prayers to find a sticky top.
beach poet: Late noon afterglow, I rub shoulders with shadows and take in the sky.
beach poet: Light ignites the clouds, bursting forth in flames--napalm caressing the sea.
beach poet: Surfer turns from Sol, eager for a nighttime roll between La Mare's hips.
beach poet: Rising from the dark side, the Moon-man dreams of blue pearls in a blank sky.
beach poet: Fallen leaves rest in charnel house, quiet dreams reflecting overhead.
beach poet: I steal the sunset as gnat digs sharp into neck. (long breath) I hold still.
beach poet: Regal pelican, resting noble chin on neck, begs for scraps of fish.
beach poet: @thou_shall_decim8 #thou_shall_decim8_fold4rap5_vortron_glassdagger_only contest entry. Started in #snapseed then applied #glassdagger, followed by #vortron. Finished up with #fold4wrap5. #thou_shall_decim8 #iphoneonly
beach poet: The tower lay broke, swept away by tsunami in search of skylines.
beach poet: We play our sun strings pitching our voices on waves orchestrating clouds.
beach poet: Winter's reminder frolics in the playful breeze and rejoins the Spring.
beach poet: 'I saw pale kings and princes too, Pale warriors, death-pale were they all; They cried—“La Belle Dame sans Merci Hath thee in thrall" ' (John Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci) One of my favorite poems and what I thought of when I made this edit--com
beach poet: Cute little button-- off it popped in unravel of coat to the bones
beach poet: The beak just lay there a loony toon artifact in search of a bird.
beach poet: Safe behind my blind I draw two breathes and wonder from which fork I speak.
beach poet: Dentures left behind, soaking in the wind borne brine, to sleep with the fish.
beach poet: Out we threw the plates out to the hands of fortune each crack a blessing.
beach poet: Late morning sunshine breaks across wave tossed shell and I think of Spring.
beach poet: Child nestles in womb protected by the plushness and watches cartoons.
beach poet: Oh nobility! With such pageantry you paint my weak eyes with light.
beach poet: #Barnacle through the ringer. Still playing with #satur8. Ran this pic through #decim8 before adding satur8. Trying to master more subtle coloring #beachpoet #iphoneonly
beach poet: How many faces? I grow nostalgic for games turned on their head.
beach poet: No poem for this, pic is just too 70's, but the stars are nice ;) #haiku #poem #poetry #beachpoet #satur8 #decim8 #thou_shall_decim8 #beach #iphoneonly
beach poet: Solar disc spins light playing across the bump-grind-- a music of shapes.
beach poet: Left, a single rose-- souring in a malted cask, rebuffed by the wind.
beach poet: Disturbed little peep wondering about the taste before the frenzy.
beach poet: Left to my device-- I hide behind the time known and shut tight my mouth.
beach poet: Crumbled handkerchief filled with tears of a mother waiting son's return.
beach poet: Urchin loses quills balding under the warm sun like old man at beach.