jrtrimble: White-faced Storm-Petrel - Hydrographer Canyon, MA - 22 August 2015
efreitezgassan: Tigui - Tigue Grande " Tringa melanoleuca ". GREATER YELLOWLEGS. Atras: Tigüi-Tigüe Chico "Tringa flavipes". LESSER YELLOWLEGS.
Luana Bianquini: Narceja-pintada - Greater Painted-snipe - Rostratula benghalensis
milesdg99: Blue-winged x Green-winged Teal hybrid
Sam Galick: Harlequin Duck
bumpylemon: Red-shouldered x Red-tailed Hawk (hybrid)
byjcb: Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber)
Neil Hayward: Bullock's Oriole
mjbolte: Cormorant and Western Grebe
suebarth: Painted Bunting
byjcb: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus)
J. Maughn: Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum
Ryser915: Red-shouldered x Red-tailed Hawk (hybrid)
OrioleKEC1: Henslow's Sparrow -- DSCN7103
Neil Hayward: Le Conte's Sparrow
R. M. Diaz: 9-29-13 R. Diaz
carmelbird: Tropical Kingbirds
SteveMlodinow: Brewer's and Clay-colored Sparrows - Morgan County, CO - September 2014
woodshots1: semipalmated sandpiper
K Schneider: Comparison of Semipalmated Sandpiper and Western Sandpiper juveniles
Jim Tarolli: Northern Flicker (note: red shafts in each wing)
Mark Scheel: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
Todd Easterla: Eastern Winter Wren (Troglodytes hiemalis) Inverness Park, Marin Co, Ca. 11-15-13.
Steve Mirick: IMG_1874
pomarinejaeger: bars-nayanquing-5-29-14-tl-01-cropscreen
tombenson76: Minke Whale
Frode Jacobsen: "Canvashead/Redback" (A. valisineria x americana)
Finatic 's iNaturalist Stream: American x Eurasian Wigeon hybrid
Ryser915: Common Redpoll (Greenland)
Extra Medium: Harlan's Red-Tailed Hawk