bdmanzanita: Roseate Skimmer
bdmanzanita: Double-crested and Neotropic Cormorant
bdmanzanita: Western Screech-Owl
bdmanzanita: Lightning
bdmanzanita: Giant Darner
bdmanzanita: Bushtit
bdmanzanita: Buff-breasted Flycatcher
bdmanzanita: Ladderback Woodpecker
bdmanzanita: Acorn Woodpecker
bdmanzanita: Pyrrhuloxia
bdmanzanita: Tarantula sp.
bdmanzanita: Spotted Owl
bdmanzanita: Broad-billed Hummingbird and nest
bdmanzanita: Elegant Earless Lizard
bdmanzanita: Widow Skimmer
bdmanzanita: Lucy's Warbler
bdmanzanita: Broad-billed Hummingbird
bdmanzanita: Gila Woodpecker
bdmanzanita: Summer Tanager
bdmanzanita: Montezuma Quail
bdmanzanita: Greater Pewee
bdmanzanita: Yarrow's Spiny Lizard
bdmanzanita: Yellow-eyed Junco
bdmanzanita: Yellow-eyed Junco nest
bdmanzanita: Desert Grassland Whiptail
bdmanzanita: Elegant Earless Lizard
bdmanzanita: Cactus Wren nest
bdmanzanita: Black Swallowtail
bdmanzanita: Varied Bunting