bd168: The flowers of September - pale smartweed
bd168: The flowers of September
bd168: Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
bd168: Timid Susan
bd168: Great/Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) - This one over 2 meters
bd168: Bungling bumblebee
bd168: Opening up - not a macro
bd168: Give me a call! We'll do lunch ...
bd168: Give me a call! We'll do lunch ...
bd168: Garden bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
bd168: Amazing miniature sun
bd168: Liliputian Nightshade blooms (Solanum dulcamara)
bd168: Liliputian flowers on a liliputian plant amid blades of grass
bd168: Spring wonder
bd168: Wild and beautiful
bd168: Red Trillium (Trillium erectum) ... aka: Wakerobin, Stinking Benjamin
bd168: Spring forest carpeting (Erythronium americanum)
bd168: Delicate blooms
bd168: Wishful thinking
bd168: False spirea
bd168: Fleurs de vigne sauvage/Wild grape flowers
bd168: Tiny Prunella vulgaris
bd168: Plus petites qu'une fraise des champs/Smaller than wild strawberries
bd168: Floraison de septembre/September bloom - plante inconnue/unknown plant
bd168: Floraison tardive/Late bloomers
bd168: Glistening in the morning sunlight
bd168: Imminent lift off
bd168: The pollinator shuffle
bd168: September
bd168: Pink buds of September yellow flowers