bd168: Insecte bâton 2
bd168: Insecte bâton 1
bd168: Scarabée 1
bd168: Circulation intense 4
bd168: Circulation intense 3
bd168: Circulation intense 2
bd168: Circulation intense 1
bd168: Déconstruction
bd168: Centrée
bd168: Déjeuner chez Chardon/Lunch at Thistle's
bd168: Première rencontre de l'été/First sighting of the summer
bd168: Lumière/Light
bd168: The butterfly and the dwarf lilac 2 - abandonned golf course
bd168: The butterfly and the dwarf lilac 1 - abandonned golf course
bd168: Give me a call! We'll do lunch ...
bd168: Give me a call! We'll do lunch ...
bd168: Give me a call! We'll do lunch ...
bd168: Life among the grasses - not a macro
bd168: The insect world's Spitfire, D Day version
bd168: The insect world's Spitfire, D Day version
bd168: Bungling bumblebee
bd168: I think it is a Colias philodice
bd168: Tis that time of year in thistledom
bd168: Jiminy Cricket hugging a grass seed
bd168: The ant and the beetle on a sweet pea
bd168: A moth? Which one ?
bd168: Waiting for a table at Thistle's
bd168: Aaah my favorite table has been set
bd168: I hate paparazzi !
bd168: Look ma, no wings ! ... or how to miss a shot by using the wrong settings