mystal: study on crape myrtle berries
mystal: self portriats negative
mystal: eerie window shot 2
mystal: eerie window shot 1
mystal: stream
mystal: falls can kill!
mystal: I don't know
mystal: my favourite tree!
mystal: and again
mystal: sunset
mystal: moth
mystal: cottage and sunflowers
mystal: pretty falcon!
mystal: aww
mystal: I love you
mystal: it's spring!
mystal: birds
mystal: birds3
mystal: birds2
mystal: tungsten sky
mystal: light and shadow, eh?
mystal: wish you could see the real thing
mystal: raa
mystal: dad and garden
mystal: orchid 010
mystal: after washing
mystal: orchid 007
mystal: my mom's dead orchid (my grandpa potted it with soil)
mystal: after removing dead roots
mystal: orchid 004